OTA platform
Adria Holidays is an online platform that provides a range of tourism services to customers who are looking to explore new destinations and enjoy unique travel experiences. Their website serves as the primary platform where customers can book glamping resorts or mobile homes in various countries, including Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, and more. Additionally, for more adventurous customers, they have 7 different motorhomes for renting.
Adria holidays
Our services
Adria Holidays' old website was not one of those websites that are cluttered or difficult to navigate, but overall website experience and design were just outdated and some things just needed to be improved and upgraded to satisfied modern browsing behaviours.
Apart from that, we needed to upgrade their website with glamping resorts destinations and wire their website with online booking platform where customers could quickly book their next destination or rent a motorhome.
After a deep dive into their business, and some brainstorming, we figure out that we could do a lot more. A lot more, to what we can offer their potential guests, not just a option to book their destination, but to explore surroundings, be inspired by their facilities and amenities on different level, find best deals thru special offers or to read guest diaries or to write their own.
We also needed to came out with a plan; how to efficiently introduce their 3 different selling segment and how to boost their search engine optimization.
Durning our user experience process we have made a wireframe and interactive prototype with more then 15 different pages.
You have probably seen many times, websites where they have availability calendar and those availability are really not up-to-date? Well on Adria Holidays, our main goal was to give a customers ability to quick see available destinations for their dates on website. To do that, we needed to develop a tool that communicates with PHOBS APIs in some optimal time intervals and save data to our website database and then use it to give customers best possible user experience.
We also adjusted PHOBS booking engine to Adria Holiday website branding which creates a feeling of a single platform.